Wednesday, September 3, 2014

C is for Censoring. Writer Friends, I Need Help!


How does a writer write without self censoring? I ask because I have written 3 different “C” posts for today and I have yet to complete or post any of them, because something I say in each of them will offend someone! It might be someone I love very much or it might be someone I don’t even know, but each time I think about posting what I have just written, I think of all the people it might offend or hurt. It might even make some people not like me!  Oh no, not that!!! 

First, I began writing about the crack in my own cosmic egg and my religious conversion over the years. But, that’s very touchy.  And then I wrote about getting out of my Comfort Zone, but that too soon turned into something that might offend someone. So, I decided to write about coexisting. But, that led me to politics AND religion that potato got too, too hot.

So, now I am frustrated and I need some advice from some of my writer friends and I know I have quite a few. So, please. Tell me how you do it?  Do you throw caution to the wind and see no subject as taboo or do you carefully consider every word? 


  1. I think it's a bit of both for me. I've never really felt led to write something that would knowingly upset people, but I share honestly about what's going on within. I'm not too worried about offending or pissing people off because it really doesn't take much on that front. I write about what needs to be said because writing, for me, is akin to opening a vein and letting myself bleed out the toxins. At the end of the day you have to do what you are comfortable with because you're the one you're looking at in the mirror every day.

  2. For me I have slowly eased into feeling more and more comfortable with saying things that might be controversial to some. That has been incredibly liberating but also a continuous process that requires much self-reflection and healing work on my part. As I have become more and more true to myself (which is an amazing feeling BTW) the by-product is that people who cannot accept me for who I am fall away. So the people who are left in my life are the ones who either agree with me, or just agree to disagree and we still support each other in other ways.

    It's hard when it's family or a friend that was once close, but ultimately it serves me best. I am, after all, the only person I have to be happy with at the end of the day, AND at the end of my life. I can't be of use to anyone else if I am crippled by fear of what people will think. So I have to find the courage to ruffle some feathers if I want to help anyone (including helping myself to be more authentic). My life purpose is to help others follow their Inner Voice of Wisdom, so following my own (even if it means doing or saying controversial things) is really my only option. :)

    My life is more full and I feel more alive when I speak MY truth. I know it will not resonate as truth for everyone, but for those who DO resonate with my words, I may have helped them to feel less alone, more understood and maybe not so crazy.

    I try to find words that will offend less and build bridges more. I try to notice when I am being judgmental or coming from a place of fear. I try to acknowledge where others my be coming from and honor where they are, but after experiencing much censorship from family, friends, society and myself (in order to please those first three) I much prefer the liberation I feel when I speak my mind and my heart.

    It's scary at first (ok it's scary every time), but it HAS gotten easier and for me, and the alternative is not tenable in terms of my mental, spiritual or emotional health.

    Love you Hun! I know you'll figure out the balance that's right for you and I support you 100% in speaking your truth, even if I disagree! <3

  3. Thank you both for your wonderful thoughts!! :) I appreciate it so much!! I am going to just write. I write from my heart so whatever I do say, is said with much love. I don't think I can go wrong with that. :)

  4. Truth!
    And we ultimately have no control over HOW people hear/perceive what we say anyway, so we may as well just effin say it! :)

  5. I think as long as you are acknowledging that there are other points of views and being respectful about it, people have no reason to gripe. They will though, because that is what we do. Never be afraid to speak the truth - especially if it is your truth!

  6. As an internet marketer, one thing I have been advised against is posting too often.The ideal number of blog posts is about 1 or 2 a week. FaceBook maybe 3 a week, and Twitter - no holds barred. You have to consider the reader, so to have an impact and retain your readers, make them consistent and timed well.

    Also, be sure to use keywords throughout the post so that you get readership beyond your circle of friends. Hope that helps!

  7. Thanks for that advice, Carol! I worried about that when I accepted this challenge. Hmmm... Do I just not share in FB? Or do I not even post... And wait a few days between?? I certainly don't want to bore people!
