Saturday, August 28, 2010

So, What's With All The Fruit Squeezing?

Why did I name my blog Squeezing The Fruit? One of my favorite verses from the Bible is Matthew 7:16, "You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?" One should be judged (if we can even use that word)  by the 'fruit' they produce not simply what they say they believe. Actions speak louder than words. Do not judge a book simply by its cover.  You don't know what's inside a fruit till you squeeze it! These idioms urge us to behave in a certain way. These are themes that span most religious practices as well. The idea that the inward is reflected in the outward. As within, so without. Out of the heart the mouth speaks, etc. These are themes everyone can agree are true.

I feel like too many ideas are simply thrown away by most people because they make snap judgments based on what they see in one moment. The ideas may scare them because they are simply under informed or ill informed. So many people miss out on so much beauty and thinking about new ideas because it makes them uncomfortable to do so, and unfortunately for some, because they don't like the cover the book comes in, they place it back on the shelf never to pick it up again.  But, what if we, you and I together, opened the book and began reading it for a bit instead. What if we didn't jump to conclusions and tested things out a bit.  This is a perfect example of what I am talking about.,17990/# I feel sorry for this guy. What kind of life is that??

But let's get back to the fruit.  What if we collected the fruit and tasted it before we made judgments on whether we like it or not. We need to taste and see.  We can use the minds God gave us and the other faculties we have to assess what is good and what is not so good. What serves us and what is better left to someone else.  We can do it together.

I want to be able to come here and open things up.  I'd like to visit some ideas I have about things and see if anyone else feels the same.  I'd like to test some ideas and taste some new flavors!  Most of all I want to encourage you to think for yourself. Trust yourself. You will know them by their fruit, not by the outward appearance only. Let's see what's inside before you throw it to the side. In other words, let's start SQUEEZING THE FRUIT!

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