Saturday, August 28, 2010

And another blogger begins...

So, I've decided I need to blog.  I have been on Facebook now for quite a while now and I LOVE it! It has allowed me to reconnect with so many friends and former students. I am very grateful for it. But, it is not a great forum for deep thoughts.   I feel at times, however some topics need a bit more fleshing out,  a bit more time spent on discussing them or maybe I feel the need to rant a bit.

Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit." You can't just look at a piece of fruit to see if it's good. You need to pick it up. Smell it. Squeeze it to really see what it's all about.

I wanted a place where I could do some fruit squeezing.

I also wanted a place I could share my weight loss journey in detail.  I have been asked many times to share what I have learned. I envision a place where tips and recipes can be shared and support given to anyone who needs it.  I feel I have a lot to share and give in this area and I wanted to put it out to the world. A blog is a good way to do that.

I have also been on a spiritual awakening of sorts for the past 8 years or so. I have done a lot of praying, soul searching reading, learning, meditating and a lot of changing.  Changing the way I think and what I believe has been like an awakening from sleep. But, it has been a rough process of changing my paradigm for living. It made me question EVERYTHING. And I'd like to share my journey with you and share what I have learned. And what I am still learning. Cuz every day, it's a process.

 Squeezing some fruit, yes. But also a beacon of hope... a friend to lean on...  an ear to bend.

And if you are here reading this, you are also the reason I started this blog. I wanted to share my heart with you.  I thank you even now for taking the time to read what I have to say.

I love you for that!

Let's go squeeze some fruit!


  1. Woooooooot!!! Dina, I am SUPER excited about your blog. And I want to read EVERYTHING!! So that's why I'm here at the beginning. Sorry, I'm just now getting here. Nino came down with croup and so we've had quite a day. But I am SO HAPPY you decided to blog. You are an amazing person, an inspiration, and a fantastic writer too! I can't wait to dig in and hear your whole story. Right now, I need to go put Diego to bed, but I will be back to read everything and comment soon. I LOVE YOU DINA!! Rock on!

  2. Oh Naomi!!!! Thank you, thank you. I can not tell you how much those words mean to me. You are my blogger idol! ;) I welcome anything you have to say... good or bad... I'd love to hear what you think. Poor Nino!! Millie had it too and is finally at the point where she only coughs every now and then. It is NO fun! :( Give him a kiss from all of us over here! And Diego too so he doesn't get jealous!
    I love you, my friend! Rockin' as instructed!

  3. Dina! Thank you for inviting me to read your blog. I knew you were writing, but I didn't know where. And I didn't want to ask because you hadn't mentioned it. I'm anxious to read everything.
